05-08-2019: Spring on the Eden

Unfortunately, the past two weeks here have brought some of the most consistently terrible weather I have ever seen. Every day has been rainy, snowy, or just generally wretched, preventing me from doing much walking at all. However, during this downtime, I acquired a low-end professional-quality camera. Yesterday, when the sun finally emerged from his slumber, I took it out along the Eden Creek to test its capabilities. My next post I hope to be another roadwalking, or perhaps a small mountain, but before doing anything so ambitious I wanted to make sure I could effectively use my new equipment.

An old rusted-out car sits hidden within a young maple grove.
Moss-covered rocks form tiny islands in the small Eden Creek.
Dense hemlock forest lines a bend in the creek, covering a small floodplain.
Looking straight down the Eden from one of those moss-covered islands.
A water bug in a calm area of the creek sends tiny ripples towards shore.

A view through water of rocks and sediments at the creek's bottom almost resembles pictures of the Martian surface.
The Eden's cool current runs rapidly over rocks and boulders, themselves buried in luscious green moss.
Flowers grow throughout the years in the hayfields surrounding the Eden Creek; most of them, like this one, are just weeds.
Others, however, are not, such as this early blooming wild strawberry.
View of the Catskill Escarpment from across a field. Blackhead peeks out between Acra Point and Burnt Knob.
A closer look at Blackhead and the Escarpment reveals the slow movement of green up the mountains.
This camera's field of view allows for far more realistic pictures. This is how Windham always looks, a giant, looming presence on the southern horizon.
Kate Hill, to the west of Windham. Buildings along NY-23 can be seen on the right; many of these I walked past in one of my first posts back in December.
Mount Zoar displays an almost straight line of green and not-green, ending just below its summit ridge.
The moon, seen at sunset. While not the clearest picture, it demonstrates the camera's ability to capture even astronomical objects in detail, something which I plan on taking advantage of.

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