Ah, the perils of photographing in poor lighting. Despite forecasts to the contrary, clouds failed to dissipate during this warm mid-March walk, and as a result many of these photos suffer from suboptimal contrast or resolution. Still, I think they are quite beautiful. This was the final walk of Allen Teator Road, covering its loop portion on the north side of NY-145, and the spur road Mansard Ave, the only avenue in Durham.
View northwards from NY-145 between Mansard Ave and the parking area, looking towards Edwards Hill. |
This rusted-out fan was in the back of an old farmhouse in town along Mansard Ave. |
View northwest along Mansard Ave, towards Cook Mountain. |
Hayfields along the north side of Allen Teator. |
Looking down Allen Teator Road. To the left is Cook Mountain, to the right Edward Hill. |
Pasture along Allen Teator Road. |
Cook Mountain was quite prominent due to this road's open fields and northwesterly views. |
A lone truck races down Allen Teator while the Catskill Escarpment, dominated by Windham HP, looms in the background. |
Another view of Cook Mountain. |
A look to the southwest. The field on the ridge is along the other end of Allen Teator, where I had walked several days earlier. |
Acra Point, Burnt Knob, and Windham HP peek above the hills in the foreground. |
As I walked along Allen Teator's northern loop, Mount Pisgah gradually came into view. |
This old cemetery, although large than many in the area, isn't marked on any maps I could find. |
A closer view of Edwards Hill from the road's closest point to it. |
Steep fields along NY-145, on the way back to the parking area. |
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